Framework Agreement — Engineering Design Group P2078


Förhandlat förfarande
2019-02-06 09:31 (GMT+01:00)
2019-03-05 12:00


The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency
Petter Eggan
Grev Wedels plass 5
0151 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Contracting Authority shall enter into a Framework Agreement for external engineering design services, preliminary project, P-2078. The objective of the project is to support the renewal of the Norwegian Armed Forces' radar sensor structure by establishing the Property, Building and Construction Agency (EBA). EBA includes works buildings, roads, infrastructure, maintenance facilities etc. spread all over Norway, with partly demanding topographic and climatic challenges. The contract is expected initiated during autumn 2019. The estimated completion is by 2026.

The Framework Agreement for an engineering design group shall be used for preliminary projects, detailed engineering design, contribute to procurement of contracts, follow-up in the construction phase and as needed for reports and other relevant services connected to the relevant assignment.

A Framework Agreement with 1 tenderer shall be entered into. The Framework Agreement shall run for up to 7 years from signing, but with the possibility for the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency to terminate the agreement according to a deadline which will be confirmed in the tender documentation.

The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency has estimated the value of the Framework Agreement to approx. 50 000 000 NOK for the entire contract period. The preliminary total budget frame of the project is estimated to 2 .

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