Laanila Low Pressure Piping


05 - Meddelande om upphandling – försörjningssektorerna
Förhandlat förfarande
2019-01-08 09:33 (GMT+01:00)
2019-01-21 13:00


Oulun Energia Oy, OEBIO-projekti Oulun Energia Oy, OEBIO-projekti
Ville Airovuo
PL 116
90101 Oulu

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Kort beskrivning

Oulun Energia Oy has awarded Pöyry with EPCM-services for the new Laanila OEBIO-project in Oulu, Finland. The construction of the new power plant will be completed in late 2020 and once in operation it will replace Toppila 1 unit. Capacity of the plant will be around 70 MW electricity and around 175 MW district heat with an option to supply steam to clients in the Laanila industrial area. The plant uses forest based biofuels, peat and solid recovered fuel (SRF) as fuels. This supply consists following piping systems: — DH-condensate system, — condensate treatment system, — district heating system, — DH expansion and pressurising system, — condensate preheating system, — closed cooling water system, — cooling water system, — raw water system, — make-up water system, — fuel oil system, — compressed air system basic piping engineering result: —— 6,5 km/160 tons of piping materials and —— 85 tons of primary/secondary supports.

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