Digital partner for Det Norske Teatret [The Norwegian Theatre]


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
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2018-12-05 12:36 (GMT+01:00)


Det norske teatret Det norske teatret
Thine Sletbakk
Kristian IVsg 8
0164 Oslo
921 196 164


Det Norske Teatret [The Norwegian Theatre] is one of the country's largest theatres, with 267 297 public visitors in 2017. The theatre was founded in 1912, and plays performances in Nynork [New Norwegian] and Norwegian dialects. The theatre is privately owned and an ideal organisation, and receives annual grants from the state. Total income in 2017 was 246 900 000 NOK, of which ticket income accounted for over 58 000 000 NOK. The objective of the procurement is to enter into a contract with an experiences and innovative supplier for the services: Applications management and development of website, hereunder integration and implementation of a ticket sales system on the website. — operation of — graphic design and development of the theatre's visual identity on a general level.

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