Contract for a Flushing Vehicle


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2018-12-05 12:34 (GMT+01:00)
2019-01-07 12:00


Skien kommune Skien kommune
Bjørn Lauritsen
Rådhusplassen 2
3724 Skien
938 759 839

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The procurement of a special vehicle for flushing the pipe system and the emptying of interceptors for sludge, septic tanks, etc., in accordance with specifications given in the tender documents. The contract includes a requirement for the tenderer to take on the current flushing vehicle as a trade-in. A tender shall be given for chassis and addition jointly. Alternative tenders cannot be submitted. The contract has an estimated value of 4 000 000 NOK.

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