150-BYM-2017 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Services for the Management of Bridges and Retaining Walls


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2018-12-04 12:45 (GMT+01:00)


Oslo kommune v/Bymiljøetaten Oslo kommune v/Bymiljøetaten
Jannicke Andersen
Postboks 636 Løren
0507 Oslo
996 922 766


The Agency of Urban Environment manages approx. 400 used bridge constructions of various sizes. These include simple culverts and more complicated constructions, as well as minor wooden bridges in parks, recreational areas and woods. The Contracting Authority also manages several retaining walls. The procurement must cover the need for bridge inspections and advice connected to the management of bridges and retaining walls. The Contracting Authority would like to enter into a Framework Agreement with one tenderer to meet this need.

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