Request for Information: System for Railway Capacity Management


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2018-11-28 09:23 (GMT+01:00)


Liikennevirasto Liikennevirasto
Teemu Sirkiä
PL 33 (Opastinsilta 12 A)
00521 Helsinki

Kort beskrivning

System for railway capacity management, request for information. Please note: this is not a formal request for applications to tender nor does it form part of any tender process. This is a market consultation process only concerning the possible purchase of software and/or services. FTA is inviting market operators to engage in a technical and service dialogue with regard to the software described in this document. This request for information initiates the technical and service dialogue. The technical and service dialogue consists of the questions in the request for information and possibly further discussions and the presentation of the market operator’s products and services to FTA.

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