Science and Research Communications Partner for Aalto University


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2018-11-13 09:06 (GMT+01:00)
2018-12-14 09:00 (GMT+01:00)


Aalto Yliopisto Aalto Yliopisto
Emma Kaukonen Emma Kaukonen
PL 11000
00076 Aalto

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Kort beskrivning

Aalto University is committed to building a sustainable society driven by innovation and entrepreneurship. We combine knowledge from different disciplines to identify and solve complex societal challenges and educate future visionaries and experts. Our ambition in Aalto University’s Communications is to make it possible for anyone to become interested in science and research. The key, we believe, is to show the multiple societal impacts of science and research in peoples’ everyday lives through narratives and intriguing stories by reaching out to people in versatile formats and channels. We are now looking for a partner specialized in science and research communications to support Aalto University in refining a strategy and action plan for the university's Communications related to science and research. In addition, we expect the partner to execute versatile communications activities in Finland and globally.

Dokument (klicka på filnamnet för att ladda ner)

Namn Filstorlek
Science and Research Communications Partner for Aalto University.pdf 130 KB
Science and Research Communications Partner for Aalto 481 KB

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