The Employees' Co-Determination and Participation


02 - Meddelande om upphandling
Öppet förfarande
2018-10-19 09:40 (GMT+02:00)
2018-11-15 12:00


Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet
Anna Skårberg Anna Skårberg
Postboks 8019 Dep
0030 Oslo
983 887 457

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Ministry of Labour and social affairs wants to enter into a research agreement which shall provide a general picture on how co-determination and participation are being put into practise in the Norwegian working life, and how the relevant market participants assess this practise. The contract period is from the contract is signed to the end of 2020. The contract has an upper financial limit of up to 2 500 000 NOK excluding VAT.

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