Dialogue Conference for Services Related to Printout and Distribution of Invoices


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
Ej tillämpligt
2018-10-19 09:40 (GMT+02:00)


Bærum kommune Bærum kommune
Kari Bustgaard Kari Bustgaard
Postboks 700
1304 Sandvika
935 478 715

Kort beskrivning

The aim of the dialogue conference is to get input from the supplier market on how Bærum municipality's needs can be met in the best possible way The aim is to get the best possible knowledge on feasibility and alternative systems that are available in the market. The printout and distribution of paper invoices (forms) is currently managed by the municipality's IT department, Digit. The municipality wants to outsource this to a third-party. Up to 180 000 paper invoices per annum are currently being printed out. However, the volume will diminish as several customers are changing to digital invoicing systems. See the annex, invitation to a dialogue conference 25.10.2018 and to one-on-one meetings.

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