ToR – Operational and Impact Evaluation of the Interreg North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020


01 - Förhandsmeddelande
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2018-07-12 11:54 (GMT+02:00)


The North Sea Region Programme Secretariat The North Sea Region Programme Secretariat
Carsten Westerholt Carsten Westerholt
Toldboden 3, st. E
8800 Viborg

Kort beskrivning

The Interreg North Sea Region Programme (NSRP) 2014-2020 is a European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programme financed under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Its focus is on regional and territorial development in the North Sea Region. The overall aim is to support development and foster sustained economic growth across the region. The programme must be evaluated to understand the strengths and weaknesses of current working models of the North Sea Region programme 2014-2020. It is compulsory to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the programme. Efficiency and effectiveness will be assessed via an operational evaluation and the contribution of programme funding to achieving specific objectives via an impact evaluation. The procurement will be announced on and

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