Huseby swimming pool and sports hall — Renovation


Öppet förfarande
2018-06-29 09:44 (GMT+02:00)
2018-08-31 12:00


Trondheim kommune Trondheim kommune
Arve Arstad Arve Arstad
Erling Skakkes gate 14
7004 Trondheim

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Kort beskrivning

Huseby sports centre is located at Blisterhaugveien 13, 7078 Saupstad and has a central location as regards schools and housing in the area and is also close to the Saupstad centre in Saupstad.

The site consists of a sports hall (built in 1976) and a swimming pool (built in 1984).

In 2015 a condition analysis was carried out on Huseby sports centre. The main critieria for the analysis was that it should identify measures that would give the centre 40 new years. A new swimming pool is also to be installed.

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