KK — Prior Information Notice — Consultancy services for the preparation of the site plan in parts of down town Kristiansund.


Ej tillämpligt
2018-06-22 09:39 (GMT+02:00)


Kristiansund kommune Kristiansund kommune
Asle Andrè Orseth Asle Andrè Orseth
Kaibakken 2
6509 Kristiansund N

Kort beskrivning

Note! This is a prior information notice. The objective of this is to send the tender documentation 'for consultation to' interested service providers. We request your feedback on whether points should be changed, are not understood or if you have any other input to the competition. Final announcement is planned for week 26. See the attached draft of the tender documentation under the tab 'documents’ in Mercell.

Deadline for input is monday 25 june, 16:00.

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