Data and tool for bibliometry.


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2018-05-12 09:40 (GMT+02:00)
2018-06-07 14:00


Kunnskapsdepartementets tjenesteorgan Kunnskapsdepartementets tjenesteorgan
Hege Vanebo
Abels gate 5A
7030 Trondheim
919 477 822

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The objective of this assignment is to support three different goals, that can result in three different contracts:

1. to deliver bibliometric data from worldwide scientific publications to a national database (NIB) prepared for research, analysis and reporting with data adapted to Norwegian conditions;

2. A consortium agreement to provide access to a tool for bibliometric analysis based on worldwide coverage of scientific production, which makes it easy for Norwegian research institutes to carry out bibliometric analysis, benchmarking and reporting;

3. to support the national documentation system Cristin with bibliometric references to scientific publications that shall be imported to the system.

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