GIS/Surveying - Ørland and Ofoten.


Förhandlat förfarande
2018-03-14 09:21 (GMT+01:00)
2018-04-09 12:00


The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (NDEA) The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (NDEA)
Per Grøtte
6. divisjonsgate 12

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Forsvarsbygg kampflybase [the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency Air Force Bases] need support for different surveying assignments related to the construction projects at the bases as well as management of GIS data (geographic information systems), for respectively the Ørland area and Evenes with surrounding area (Ofoten).

Included in the construction projects are infrastructure, hangers, quarters and other buildings etc. During the contract period, the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency will require sequential import into the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency’s IT systems.

The assignments will receive support from the contractors, control volume for sending to the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency’s map database, implementation of necessary surveying onors, control volume for sending to the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency’s map database, implementation of necessary surveying on behalf of the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency etc. Surveying with the help of drones will most likely be relevant.

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