Welfare Technology, digitalisation and e-solutions for the nursing home Bergheim bo- og aktivitetssenter [Bergheim Residential and Activity Centre].


Konkurrenspräglad dialog
2018-03-14 09:20 (GMT+01:00)
2018-04-12 23:59


Halden Kommune Halden Kommune
Svein Andersen Svein Andersen
Storgata 8
1751 Halden

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Halden kommune (hereafter called the Contracting Authority) hereby extends an invitation to a tender themed dialogue about the delivery of Welfare Technology, digitisation and e-solutions for the operation of the Bergheim Residential and Activity Centre nursing home.

This 2 stage procedure is open for all interested parties to register their interest to participate in the competition.

The tender themed dialogue is a procurement procedure that gives the contracting authority access to hold dialogue with the service providers about how the Contracting Authority’s needs can best be met, cf. § 23-8. With a tender themed dialogue, the service providers must first deliver a request to participate in the competition so that the Contracting Authority can assess if they fulfil the necessary qualification requirements.

There are four primary categories for the procurement:

Mastering and safety creating technology, Tools for effective documentation, tools for effective administration and Reminiscence with the help of technology.

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