K0240 Finnegaarden restoration — Consultancy services and conservation work.


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2017-10-11 09:30 (GMT+02:00)


Bergen Kommune Bergen Kommune
Isadora Sæther Øyerhamn Isadora Sæther Øyerhamn
Serviceboks 7880
5020 Bergen


Bergen Kommune 964338531 Serviceboks 7880 Bergen 5020 Isadora Sæther Øyerhamn isadora.oyerhamn@bergen.kommune.no https://permalink.mercell.com/73370605.aspx http://www.bergen.kommune.no/ K0240 Finnegaarden restoration — Consultancy services and conservation work. The background for the procurement is the impending construction work (contract) for the ‘Finnegaarden’ building at Bryggen in Bergen. The builder and engineering design group for the contract lacks expertise for examination, consultancy services and conservation of the actual building, fixtures and accompanying objects. 5000000.00 The building and the building's fixtures must be taken care of in the same way as objects in a museum. This requires special expertise within conservation services. In this project the contracting authority requires that the conservation officer has expertise in Hanseatic art and museum objects and must, in particular, be able to see to this function for painted decor, in addition to these museum objects. There are, therefore, particularly high competence requirements within Hanseatic building customs and long specific experience from work at Bryggen, etc. FOA § 13-4 states the terms for making a procurement without a competition. After an assessment, the Contracting Authority has decided that there is a basis for carrying out the contract in question in accordance with the procurement regulations § 13-4 b). This provision states that a procurement can be made without a competition if the service, due to technical reasons, can only be provided by a specific provider. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that this applies to this concrete case mainly because the delivery requires special expertise and experience from equivalent restoration work. It was, therefore, decisive that the chosen supplier had this requested expertise in; the relevant field, era, building, as well as restoration of the building's painted decor. There is a lot of prestige around the restoration of Finnegaarden. The general public will look at both the execution and the result of the work. Based on the special requirements for expertise, as well as the project's reputation risk, it is clear to the Contracting Authority that the chosen supplier will carry out the service with high quality in a risk reducing way. EFU-10103 K0240 Finnegaarden restoration 2017-10-09 Norsk Institutt for Kulturminneforskning 985 767 769 Storgata 2 Oslo 0105 5000000.00 Bergen Kommune, Etat for Utbygging Pb 7700 Bergen 5020 Bergen Kommune, Etat for Utbygging Pb 7700 Bergen 5020 2017-10-09

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:401959-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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