Invitation to a dialogue conference 5 October 2017, Os municipality in Hedmark.


Ej tillämpligt
2017-09-29 09:25 (GMT+02:00)


Abakus AS Abakus AS
Bjarne Skarpmo Bjarne Skarpmo
Postboks 128
2440 Engerdal

Kort beskrivning

Os municipality owns plots in the centre, Furuholtet and at Sundmoen. The plots can be realised both through sales and in cooperation with the municipality. In the coming process the municipality would like input on contract forms as well as future orientated, efficient and technical solutions. Os municipality therefore invites interested contractors and suppliers to a conference with the aim of developing these plots. The supplier dialogue will consist of a dialogue conference and subsequent one-to-one meetings with willing contractors and suppliers.

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