Advertisement financed city furniture in Tromsø.


Öppet förfarande
2017-09-22 09:23 (GMT+02:00)
2017-11-06 10:00


Tromsø Kommune — Byutvikling, Park og vei Tromsø Kommune — Byutvikling, Park og vei
Tronn Å Skjerstad
Pb 6900
9299 Tromsø

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The purpose of this procurement is to enter into service concession contracts with a collaboration partner for the operation and maintenance of shelters, toilets and city bikes (city furniture) in return for being able to advertise on the city furniture in Tromsø. This shall occur through commercial utilisation of the existing and future advertising surfaces.

The service concession contract shall cover the municipality's need for shelters and bus stop operation, deployment of public toilets, and cover the need for city bikes for the city's residents and visitors.

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