NSA-8001 — Concept stage for a new hospital at Aker.


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2017-09-20 09:24 (GMT+02:00)
2017-10-20 12:00


Sykehusbygg HF Sykehusbygg HF
Øyvind Ludvigsen Øyvind Ludvigsen
Grev Wedels plass 5
0151 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

A contract for architectural and consulting engineering services for the concept stage in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations (‘FOA’) § 13-1 (2).

Health Region South — East is the Contracting Authority and the contractual party for the project (henceforth referred to as the ‘Contracting Authority’). The Contracting Authority has engaged Sykehusbygg HF to safeguard the project management.

The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. [https://permalink.mercell.com/73709766.aspx]. Then follow the instructions on the website.

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