Qualification System PostNord


07 - Kvalificeringssystem – försörjningssektorerna
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2019-01-31 09:30 (GMT+01:00)


PostNord Sverige AB PostNord Sverige AB

Kort beskrivning

According to Directive 2014/25/EU of 26.2.2014 coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors (the EU Utilities Directive), Contracting Entities operating in the postal services and utilities sectors may use qualification systems in connection with EU procurement procedures (Article 77). The qualification system for suppliers and contractors to PostNord-companies. PostNord-companies will use the qualification system for tenderer selection for contracts and Framework Agreements subject to EU procurement rules, but reserve the right to publish individual notices for specific requirements if necessary, even though they relate to the products, services or works categories covered by the qualification system. The qualification system may be used for contracts and Framework Agreement not subject to EU procurement rules. For more information see the specifications and additional documents.

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