2017/2947 Procurement — Framework agreement on the delivery of work clothes to health/kitchen personnel and textiles for institutions.


Öppet förfarande
2017-07-06 10:01 (GMT+02:00)
2017-07-31 12:00


Skedsmo Kommune Skedsmo Kommune
Torben Jenssen Torben Jenssen
Skedsmo kommune
2000 Lillestrøm
938 275 130

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Skedsmo municipality is situated in Akershus County, by the north end of Øyeren, north-east of Oslo. Skedsmo municipality includes the areas surrounding Leiras, Nitelva and Sagelva rivers' lower courses, the forest areas between these rivers (the southernmost part of Romeriksåsene), and the areas east of Leira and west of Nitelva rivers (Gjelleråsen area). In 1962, Lillestrøm and Skedmo merged. These municipalities, including Lørenskog municipality were also one municipality between 1838 — 1908 The municipality has 53 000 inhabitants.

The Administration Centre Lillestrøm is situated in the wide delta area between the Nitelva River and Leiras, the southernmost part of the municipality. The Health and Social sector provides health and care services to the municipality's inhabitants, and is managed by the municipal executive.

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