Service contracts, heat pumps Hålogaland.


Öppet förfarande
2017-05-17 09:46 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-21 12:00


Forsvarsbygg Anskaffelser Forsvarsbygg Anskaffelser
Bjarne Ryvoll
6. divisjonsgate 12
9406 Harstad

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The aim of the contracts is to cover The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency's need for;

Services for the inspection, service, maintenance and improvements of heat pumps in the Norwegian Estate Agency region Hålogaland.

Training, courses and other competence raising within the maintenance of heat pumps.

This procurement is for services on installations in Ramsund, Bjerkvik, Sortland, Bodø and Andenes. The contracts can also be used in Evenes, Osmarka and Harstad and other places in the region if appropriate. Such assignments will be given to the tenderer who has the contract that is geographically closest to the new assignment place, when measured in distance by road.

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