Construction contractor, cycle velodrome Sola.


Förhandlade förfaranden under konkurrens
2017-05-10 10:04 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-09 12:00


Sørmarka Flerbrukshall IKS Sørmarka Flerbrukshall IKS
Per Skretting
Sørmarkveien 20
4019 Stavanger
991 422 560

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

A velodrome shall be constructed in Sola municipality as a part of the total development of regional multi-purpose halls. The building is planned by the sports facility for Sola municipality at Åsen and it will be located close to Solasplitten, with access from Åsnutveien. The velodrome will be a part of ‘Folkehallene’ (the Public Halls) and it will complete the development of 4 multi-purpose halls in Sola, Sandnes, Stavanger and Randaberg municipalities.

The velodrome shall have UCI 2 classification and it shall be able to hold major championships for both juniors and seniors. The velodrome will be the first indoor velodrome in Norway that has been built since the world championships in Oslo in 1993 and it will, after completion, be the only indoor 250 m competition velodrome in Norway.

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