Framework agreement for printing and photocopying services.


Öppet förfarande
2017-05-05 09:43 (GMT+02:00)
2017-06-02 10:00


Lørenskog kommune Lørenskog kommune
Marianne Sætra
Hasselveien 6
1471 Lørenskog
842 566 142

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

There is a need to print different letters/case documents, brochures, reports, cards, roll-ups etc. The demand is expected to fall, but the municipality will need some printer matter, despite digitalisation. In order to get the most cost efficient system, with the wanted quality, we need a framework agreement within a broad spectrum of printing services. The service must be flexible as regards deadlines, qualities, products and volume. In addition, the system must handle sensitive personal information end-end.

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