Distribution of polling cards and household brochures for the elections in 2017.


Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts i Europeiska unionens officiella tidning
2017-01-18 09:35 (GMT+01:00)


Valgdirektoratet Valgdirektoratet
Kristin Thorud Skorpen Kristin Thorud Skorpen
Rambergveien 9
3115 Tønsberg
916 132 727


Valgdirektoratet 916 132 727 Rambergveien 9 Tønsberg 3115 Kristin Thorud Skorpen +47 33412942 kristin.skorpen@valg.no www.valg.no Distribution of polling cards and household brochures for the elections in 2017. 2016/88 There is a need to enter into a contract before the Parliamentary and Sami Parliamentary election in 2017, as well as an extraordinary Municipal Council election in Færder municipality in 2017, for the distribution of polling cards to all persons who are entitled to vote in Norway. This service shall be carried out within a very short time perspective, from approx. 29 July 2017 until the final deadline 9 August 2017, which is the final deadline when voters can receive their polling card. There is a need for postal deliveries 5 days a week, with distribution in all municipalities, places with a post office and all postal addresses in Norway. 15000000.00 Polling cards shall be distributed in all of the country' municipalities, places with a post office and all postal addresses in Norway and household brochures in three Sami languages in the municipalities in the administration area for the Sami language. The contracting authority cannot deal with several suppliers due to vulnerability in the time perspective of this delivery. Posten Norge AS is, thus, the only supplier who has a distribution network and the capacity to guarantee timely distribution. Distribution network 40 Capacity 40 20 Posten Norge AS is the only supplier who has a distribution network and the capacity to guarantee timely distribution as stated. A contract can only be signed with one specific supplier in the market, c.f. FOA § 13-4, 1. section B point 2. 2017-01-12 Posten Norge AS 984661185 Posthuset Biskop Gunnerusgate 14 Oslo 0185 +47 23149400 kundeservice.storbedrift@bring.com 15000000.00 Oslo tingrett Oslo 0030 2017-01-13

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:019060-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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