Framework agreement for the hire of modules for accommodation and hygiene facilities.


Öppet förfarande
2017-01-06 09:37 (GMT+01:00)
2017-02-08 14:00


Utlendingsdirektoratet — UDI Utlendingsdirektoratet — UDI
Nebojsa Matic
Hausmannsgate 21
0182 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The assignment includes the necessary freight, erection/assembly and hire of modules for accommodation and hygiene (sleeping units and WC/shower) as well as any maintenance during the hire period. The modules shall be assembled in existing buildings/premises at the contracting authority, as a starting point in Eastern Norway, but also the rest of the country if required. The number and hire period will vary according to the stand-by situation.

There will only be call-offs for the hire/assignment as needed for the stand-by situation, there will not be any obligation to hire or procure.

All communication on this procurement shall go via the communication module in Mercell.

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