Delivery of district heating for municipal buildings.


Öppet förfarande
2017-01-06 09:36 (GMT+01:00)
2017-02-20 13:00


Tingvoll kommune Tingvoll kommune
Bjørn Hammerfjell
Midtvågveien 2
6630 Tingvoll
964 981 515

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

A contract shall be signed for the delivery of district heating from the previous Tingvoll Biovarme AS' facility to the following buildings belonging to Tingvoll municipality in Tingvoll municipality:

Tingvoll primary and secondary school (measuring point 1), Skolevegen 28, cadastral no. 51, title no. 1, fnr. 5.

The library, Skolevegen 35, cadastral no. 51, title no. 35.

Tingvoll nursery, Skolevegen 19, cadastral no. 51, title no. 178.

Tingvoll hall, Skolevegen 31, cadastral no. 51, title no. 159.

Tingvoll nursing home (measuring point 2) Rønningen 1, cadastral no. 51, title no. 48.

Kveldheim sheltered accommodation flats, Øvertrøvegen 45, cadastral no. 51, title no. 126.

Sollund, Øvertrøvegen 7, cadastral no. 51, title no. 151.

Trøa communal residence, Øvertrøvegen 6, cadastral no. 51, title no. 155.

Tingvoll asylum reception centre, block B (measuring point 3), Skolevegen 37 — 47, cadastral no. 51, title no. 119.

There could also be delivery to Tingvoll church and/or Økoparken (a building under construction), as the municipality's district heating pipes are connected to them. These contracts would not be signed with Tingvoll municipality and are not included in this notice.

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