Collection, dewatering and transport of sludge.


Öppet förfarande
2016-12-23 09:45 (GMT+01:00)
2017-02-02 13:00


Fosen Renovasjon IKS Fosen Renovasjon IKS
Fosen Renovasjon IKS Fosen Renovasjon IKS
Ola Sørås Ola Sørås
Postboks 55
7100 Rissa

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Collection, dewatering and transport of sludge from approx. 4 400 units with a total of 20 000 tons dewatered sludge per annum, mainly sludge from household sewage.

The contract work is for sludge from private and municipal interceptors for sludge, minor treatment facilities and blocked tanks and it covers both houses and holiday homes, as well as businesses. The sludge has not been dewatered (raw sludge) and it shall be dewatered to minimum 15 % dry matter content (TS). The dewatered sludge shall be delivered to a sludge treatment facility at Namdal Tankrens in Grong municipality. Major separate industry emissions are not included and are not a part of the sludge amount.

The actual contract period is from approx. 1.1.2018 for 5 years, with an option for a further 1+1 year.

Return transport with ready composted soil from Namdal Tankrens facility in Grong to Fosen Renovasjon's four recycling stations is an option.

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