Procurement of consulting services.


Öppet förfarande
2016-12-17 09:26 (GMT+01:00)
2017-01-24 12:00


Direktoratet for nødkommunikasjon (dNk) [the Directorate for Emergency Communication] Direktoratet for nødkommunikasjon (dNk) [the Directorate for Emergency Communication]
The Legal Division The Legal Division
Magdalena Szubarga
Postboks 7 Nydalen PIB
0410 Oslo
990 382 840

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

DNK invites tenderers to participate in a competition for consulting services. DNK wants to procure consulting services in project management and the process work. The following resources are sought:

— delivery 1 — PMO Manager;

— delivery 2 Risk/ change Manager;

— delivery 3 Release / configuration Manager.

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