Architectural and consultancy services, Helse Førde Health Trust.


Öppet förfarande
2016-12-02 09:29 (GMT+01:00)
2017-01-17 12:00


Sykehusbygg HF Sykehusbygg HF
Christopher Christensen Christopher Christensen
Klæbuveien 118
7031 Trondheim

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Scope: Architectural and consultancy services in connection with the quality assurance work of the concept phase report and the preliminary project for Nye Førde Sjukehus (New Førde Hospital), with options for further phases. Førde sentralsjukehus (FSS) is a somatic and psychiatric hospital for Sogn og Fjordane County. The hospital is situated at Vie in Førde. The buildings of the hospital shall be expanded with approx. 10 000 m² new buildings, as well as alteration works for the existing hospital with an area of approx. 50 000 m². The project comprises a new building for child, youth and adult psychiatry, including outdoor works, the alteration of the existing psychiatric building to a hospital hotel and offices for administration, as well as a new building, addition and alteration of the high and low block. The planned contract form is a turnkey contract with transfer of the architect and consultants.

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