Framework agreement on Digitisation and ICT related services.


Selektivt förfarande
2016-11-19 09:26 (GMT+01:00)
2016-12-15 14:00


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sigbjørn Nerland
7. Juni Plassen
0032 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The ICT Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs consultants in all service areas of the section. On occasion, the Contracting Authority for the consultants could be the ICT Section, or other entities in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the current contract period which is about to expire (2012 — 2016), approx. 100 000 000 NOK of services was bought on the framework agreements. NORAD and The Peace Corp can use these 2 agreements. These are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2 subsidiary agencies. NORAD has approx. 230 employees and The Peace Corp. has approx. 40 employees. All of NORAD's ICT services are delivered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There will be 5 lots, and each area will have a qualification and consequent award evaluation. 1 may apply for participation in some of the competitions, or all.

The service areas are:

1. Information security;

2. Infrastructure and applications;

3. Project management;

4. Architecture and system design;

5. Information management, collaboration and publication (‘web development’).

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