Framework agreement, play apparatus and playground equipment.


Öppet förfarande
2016-11-12 09:30 (GMT+01:00)
2016-12-21 12:00


Øygarden kommune [Øygarden municipality] Øygarden kommune [Øygarden municipality]
Halvor Wang Opaas
Ternholmvegen 2
5337 Rong
938 766 223

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Øygarden municipality requests tenders for play apparatus and playground equipment, particularly for nurseries, primary schools and comprehensive schools in the municipality. The procurement incudes surfaces and other additional equipment, as well as possible foundation works. The procurement also includes the necessary maintenance and up-grading of the delivered and existing play apparatus and playground equipment. The procurement will, as a starting point, not include single procurements of play apparatus and playground equipment where the total value is below 80 000 NOK, excluding VAT.

For further information on the contents of the procurement, please refer to the tender documentation part II, annex 1.

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