Restricted tender contest — a turnkey contract with interaction in an early phase — for the demolition, preliminary engineering design and a new building; the Ryen Health Centre.


Selektivt förfarande
2016-11-09 09:37 (GMT+01:00)
2016-12-08 11:00


Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF [Oslo municipality, the Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings] Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF [Oslo municipality, the Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings]
Øyvind Høin Berge
Posboks 2773 Solli
0201 Oslo
985 987246

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Oslo Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings OBY) shall develop and construct a new health centre in the Nordstrand district.

Oslo Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings plans to demolish the existing nursing home and construct a new health centre with 142 short-term places. The available area is up to 16 100 m².

To ensure good solutions, satisfied users and the best possible utilisation of competence, the contracting authority would like to prepare a preliminary project in cooperation with the contractor. This phase shall try to optimise the project as regards quality, solutions and cost. Special emphasised will be made on innovative and automated systems for the project. The execution phase of the new construction shall be executed as a general turnkey contract.

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