Framework agreements for Kvam municipality; technical craft services.


Öppet förfarande
2016-11-09 09:37 (GMT+01:00)
2016-12-19 15:00


Kvam herad (Kvam municipality) Kvam herad (Kvam municipality)
Eivind Dyrøy
Grovagjelet 16
5600 Norheimsund

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Kvam municipality wishes to enter into framework agreements for technical craft services.

One of the objectives of the framework agreements is ensuring increased efficiency for the procurement processes. The objective of the framework agreements is also ensuring stable and predictable frames for Kvam municipality and the service providers.

The framework agreements shall cover the majority of the contracting authority's requirements for the services included in the tender contest. Kvam municipality has the right, but is not obliged to utilise the framework agreements. Some of the tasks can be solved by own capacity, or in collaboration with other municipalities. Large/special projects can be published as new tender contests.

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