Framework agreement for service, maintenance and delivery of a ventilation system.


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2016-11-04 09:36 (GMT+01:00)


Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF (Municipal Undertaking for Educational Buildings and Property) Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF (Municipal Undertaking for Educational Buildings and Property)
Berit Elise Bye
Grensesvingen 7
0661 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

The prior information notice concerns parallel framework agreements for service, maintenance and delivery of ventilation systems for the Municipal Undertaking for Educational Buildings and Property.

The framework agreement includes all schools in Oslo. The schools are divided in school groups, and the selected providers will be awarded 1 or several school groups. The selected providers shall as a starting point execute all assignments included in the awarded school group(s).

Call-offs against the framework agreement shall, thus be in accordance with geographical boundaries. The contracting authority reserves the right to use internal mini contests or tender contests, for some of the assignments.

The framework agreement period is expected to be 2 years, with option for 1+1 year extension.

A final tender notice is scheduled to be published in December 2016. The contract award and initialisation of the contract are scheduled to January/February 2017.

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