Glass for frames.


Öppet förfarande
2016-10-01 09:36 (GMT+02:00)
2016-11-11 12:00


Munchmuseet [The Munch Museum] Munchmuseet [The Munch Museum]
Philippe Etienne
Postboks 2823 Tøyen
0608 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The following is supposed to be procured in the period 2016-2020 (in preparation for a future exhibition of the collection in Bjøvika):

— 400 frames for pieces of art on paper (10 % in 1/8 format, 10 % in ¼ format, 40 % in ½ format and 40 % in 1/1 format).

— 400 frames for paintings (specific formats for each piece of art).

The museum will order different types of glass and thicknesses. The order will vary for each piece of art.

A competition is being held for the supplier of the frames. The supplier will be chosen at the end of November 2016. We do not know whether the supplier of the frames will deliver their products with or without glass. The delivery of glass is an option in the procurement of the frames.

The total order in this contract will depend on the contract between the Munch museum and the new supplier of frames.

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