Follow-up evaluation of an experimental scheme with part-composed national park and protected area boards.


Öppet förfarande
2016-07-13 09:44 (GMT+02:00)
2016-09-15 10:00


Miljødirektoratet [The Norwegian Environment Agency] Miljødirektoratet [The Norwegian Environment Agency]
Marte Eliasson
PB 5672 Sluppen
7485 Trondheim

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Norwegian Environment Agency was, in letter of 30.3.2016 been assigned by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, to implement an experiment with a part-composed board. This involves landowner representation together with business and interest organisations, and the current elected representatives, in the protected area board for Trollheimen National Park. An experiment shall be implemented with landowner representation in the national park board/boards in the future National Parks Jomfruland and Raet.

The experiment shall be followed up by a follow-up evaluation where answers should be given on whether or not the experimental scheme contributes to simplification and efficiency improvement, if the local participation is improved, and to what degree the protective values are being influenced.

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