Turnkey contract sheltered accommodation flats in Tysfjord municipality.


Öppet förfarande
2016-06-29 09:28 (GMT+02:00)
2016-10-25 12:00


Fauske kommune c/o Innkjøpsservice Advokatfirma AS Fauske kommune c/o Innkjøpsservice Advokatfirma AS
Rolf Willy Berg
Nyveien 19
8200 Fauske
993 415 286

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Tysfjord municipality shall erect ‘Nye Margits Minne’ — 16 new 24 hour sheltered accommodation places in Drag, on the west side of Tysfjord. 14 of these shall be long term places and 2 short term places. The places shall be facilitated for elderly persons with a comprehensive need for help, which are intended to be organised as a residential collective, cf. the Housing Bank of Norway's guidelines for designing sheltered accommodation flats and nursing homes.

The existing building ‘Margits Minne’ is in a bad condition and shall be demolished. Nye Margits Minne shall, in addition to residential units, also house offices, meeting rooms, personnel rooms, stores and other support functions.

In order to get the best possible operation, an indoor connection/corridor shall be built between the existing main building at Dragstunet and Nye Margits Minne. A sensory garden shall also be built.

For further information about the procurement, see the tender documents.

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