2016007218 Consultancy services finance, auditing and resource management.


Öppet förfarande
2016-05-04 09:24 (GMT+02:00)
2016-08-08 12:00


Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO) [The Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation NDLO] Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO) [The Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation NDLO]
FLO Stab Øs Da FLO Stab Øs Da
Malene Haugen
Postboks 800, Postmottak
2617 Lillehammer

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Contracting Authority is requesting competence within a broad spectrum connected to finance within both government and private activities, with particular adaptations connected to the Contracting Authority's uniqueness. It is a prerequisite with expertise in, amongst other things, performance management, financial analyses, risk management, internal control, ERP-systems, accounts and audits/internal audits.

The Norwegian Defence currently uses the ERP system SAP for accounts and payroll and it is in the processing of introducing SAP for personnel management (Human Resource/HR). The Norwegian Defence has also started to use measurement, result and risk management (MRR) as a methodology for performance management.

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