Tønsnes Industry Harbour part 2.


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2014-07-09 04:37 (GMT+02:00)


Faveo Prosjektledelse AS881894742 Faveo Prosjektledelse AS881894742
Åge Alexandersen Åge Alexandersen
Lillian Makos
Grønnegata 78-80
9253 Tromsø

Kort beskrivning

Development of Tønsnes Industry Harbour stage 2. Tønsnes is situated approx. 15 km from the centre of Tromsø. Approx. 5 000 m² shall be constructed with a deep water quay and approx. 250,000 m² of industry area shall be developed. The expected amount of matter to be moved is approx. 1.5 million m³ of stones and uncompacted matter. Two workshops and storage buildings of 2 500 and 3 500 m² respectively shall be constructed. In addition electricity and municipal technical installations shall be conveyed to central points on the quay, building and the industry area.

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