E04 Eikefjord School.


Öppet förfarande
2014-01-30 04:32 (GMT+01:00)
2014-03-12 14:00


Flora kommune935473578 Flora kommune935473578
Arve Klokk
Markegata 51
6900 Florø

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The Eikefjord primary and secondary school is to be expanded as follows:

a) The intermediary construction between the school wing and the gymnasium is to be demolished and replaced with a new intermediary construction

b) An extension consisting of two wings are to be connected with the existing school wing, and the western gable requires minor demolition in order to permit extension to the existing construction

c) All roof structures will be demolished and replaced with a new roof

d) A lightweight roof shall be built above the entrances

e) Improvements to the Pavilion Building, including updating the air treatment facility and sprinkling system

f) An upgrade of the school grounds upgraded with new ball-game fields, parking and traffic areas, improved play areas and various improvements in access and play areas, with ramps, mountain walls, play and recess furniture etc. The construction site directly borders the County Road 542 in Eikefjord centre, and the access to site will be via the exit that is currently used to access the campus.

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