12401 Regjeringskvartalet (Government Quarter)- Planning case Consultant assignment (H001).


Öppet förfarande
2014-01-08 04:27 (GMT+01:00)
2014-02-17 12:00


Statsbygg Hovedkontor971278374 Statsbygg Hovedkontor971278374
Tore Kildal
Biskop Gunnerusgt. 6
0032 Oslo

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

Statsbygg asks in connection with the project:

No: 12401

Name: Regjeringskvartalet (Government Quarter) – Planning case

about tenders for the following consultancy assignments:

Assistance in the preparation of state zoning plan with associated impact and ideas phase.

The government has decided that the state zoning plan will be utilised during reconstruction of the Government Quarter. The department has requested that Statsbygg facilitate that work on the state zoning plan can begin when the government KS1 decision is available. A decision is expected in spring 2014.

To assist us in this work Statsbygg is seeking advisers with high competency within physical planning and experience with large, complex planning processes. The consultant shall assist Statsbygg in all phases until the state zoning plan for the Government Quarter is adopted. This assignment applies only to planning services, engineering services will be contracted later.

There is still great uncertainty as to the process and selection of concepts and solutions for the new Government Quarter. This uncertainty is reflected in the concept and scope of the consultancy assignment. Statsbygg would however like to stress that this is a large and highly significant assignment.. The planning process can become the basis for implementing one of Norway's largest and most important construction projects in the down town are of Oslo. It is therefore important to put together a team of advisers who have the best expertise to resolve this assignment.

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