X-ray and x-ray equipment for Innlandet Hospital Trust


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2023-06-30 10:42 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehuset Innlandet HF Sykehuset Innlandet HF
Thomas Aaseth Thomas Aaseth
Postboks 104
2381 Brumunddal


Innlandet Hospital Trust, division Gjøvik, Lillehammer, department for picture diagnostics, would like tenders for the delivery and installation of x-ray and x-ray equipment for the department for picture diagnostics Lillehammer. The offered equipment must be an x-ray combo-lab with x-ray and it must have functionality that enables all traditional x-ray examinations such as gastrointestinal, urogenital, biliary passages, neurological, as well as various joint injections. The laboratory will also be used for skeleton examinations such as back, shoulder, hip, thorax, and small skeleton. In addition to the equipment and installation, the delivery also includes the necessary training and maintenance. For further information please refer to the tender documentation and annexes.

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