Contract M2: Water treatment-separation and bio stage


06 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt – försörjningssektorerna
Förhandlat förfarande
2023-06-14 09:19 (GMT+02:00)


Movar Iks Movar Iks
Lisbeth Smestad Lisbeth Smestad
Tykkemyr 2
1597 Moss


MOVAR shall expand Fuglevik treatment plant (RA) to include sewage water that is now being treated at Kambo treatment plant subject to closure. MOVAR has also been given a new discharge permit, from and including 2026, requirements are made in relation to reduction of phosphor, nitrogen and organic matter. The invitation to tender concerns Contract M2 – Water treatment - Separation and bio stage, which includes all treatment processes from sand and fat traps to discharge. Contract M2 shall be executed as a turnkey contract with partnering. The contract is therefore divided in two phases Phase 1 – Partnering phase and Phase 2 – Execution phase.

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