Monitoring of migratory birds at BirdLife Norway's ornithological stations 2023-2025


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2023-04-26 10:19 (GMT+02:00)


Miljødirektoratet Miljødirektoratet
Hanna Nyborg Støstad
Brattørkaia 15B
7010 Trondheim


The purpose of the monitoring is to be able to detect the development and any changes in the status of birds populations that migrate through Southern Norway. This concerns Norwegian breeding birds as well as other non-breeding bird species or populations that migrate through or stay in Norway outside of the breeding season. Obtaining data that makes it possible to assess population changes is essential. However, we also consider our phenological data to be particularly important, which provides results showing temporal changes in bird migration as well as autumn data, which provides indications of breeding success. This is because climate connections are increasingly being expected to become central to understanding the changes we see in bird populations and nature in general.

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