The procurement of a management system and system for budgeting and reports


03 - Meddelande om tilldelning av kontrakt
Öppet förfarande
2023-04-19 09:55 (GMT+02:00)


Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse (HK-dir) Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse (HK-dir)
Postboks 1093
5809 Bergen


The procurement will contribute to HK-dir having appropriate digital systems to see to good performance management requirements in the public sector. HK-dir would like the digital systems to facilitate good systems for internal work processes. The procurement includes systems for seeing to HK-dir's need for internal control, risk management, planning activities with budgeting, reports, and project and portfolio management. The contract is divided into the following priority areas: 1) Quality, internal control and risk management 2) Planning, project and portfolio management, budgeting, and reports Tenders cannot be submitted for parts of the assignment.

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