Consultancy service - implementation of Diskos 2.0


20 - Modification notice
Öppet förfarande
2023-04-03 09:40 (GMT+02:00)


Oljedirektoratet (OD) Oljedirektoratet (OD)
Pål Schiager
Postboks 600
4003 Stavanger


In connection with the award of a new Diskos contract, we need available consultants who can support us in the process of implementing a new solution, as well as transferring data to the selected tenderer. Diskos is a national storage base for search and extraction related information. The database was established and designed by OD and the oil companies represented on the Norwegian continental shelf. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) [Oljedirektoratet] administers the Diskos contract on behalf of the member companies. NPD would like to enter into a consultancy contract with one tenderer for the requested services. The framework agreement will be valid for 2 years, with an option for NPD to extend the contract for 1 year. The estimated contract value is NOK 3,000,000 – 8,000,000 excluding VAT.

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