Tender for contract on subsidy for carbon capture, transport and storage


15 - Meddelande om frivillig förhandsinsyn
Tilldelning av kontrakt utan att ett meddelande om upphandling först offentliggjorts
2023-03-01 09:36 (GMT+01:00)


Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Agency) Energistyrelsen (Danish Energy Agency)
Tina Schøn, Henrik Sulsbrück
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43
1577KøbenhavnV Copenhagen


With the Danish Climate Agreement for Energy and Industry of 22 June 2020, a majority of the Danish Parliament decided that carbon capture and storage is to be an important element in achieving Denmark’s climate policy objectives. This prompted the setting up of technologically neutral and market-based funds (CCUS funds) of DKK 16 billion scheduled for deployment between 2024-2048. The funds are deployed in two phases. This tender concerns the first phase. The DEA considers the deployment of funds for the first phase and conclusion of the contract to be a subsidy scheme encompassed by the European Commission’s Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022. The designation of the contract as a services contract in section II.1.3) etc. does not change this. The competitive bidding process for the first phase is conducted as a negotiated procedure in accordance with the rules and principles of section II of the Danish Public Procurement Act.

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