Request for Information (RFI)- Greening Government Initiative (GGI)_ Tire solutions with reduced environmental impact.


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2022-11-18 10:24 (GMT+01:00)


DFØ V/ Bærekraft og Innovasjon DFØ V/ Bærekraft og Innovasjon
Odd-Olaf Schei
Lørenfaret 1C
0585 Oslo

Kort beskrivning

The Greening Government Initiative (GGI) is a global community of practice established by participants from 40 countries across 5 continents working for greener national governments. GGI participants exchange knowledge, promote innovation and share best practices to reduce the environmental impact of public enterprises. In many countries, the national authorities are the largest owner of vehicles, electricity consumer, property owner and purchaser of goods and services. The work with reducing government emissions therefore not only affect direct emission effects, but can also stimulate actions for the entire economy, promoting forward zero-emission solutions. GGI participants recognise the critical role of national governments in initiating the transition towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future by greening their own actions. The Greening Government Initiative (GGI) is a global community of practice established by participants from 40 countries across 5 continents working for greener national governments. GGI participants exchange knowledge, promote innovation and share best practices to reduce the environmental impact of public enterprises. In many countries, the national authorities are the largest owner of vehicles, electricity consumer, property owner and purchaser of goods and services. The work with reducing government emissions therefore not only affect direct emission effects, but can also stimulate actions for the entire economy, promoting forward zero-emission solutions. GGI participants recognise the critical role of national governments in initiating the transition towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future by greening their own actions.

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