Framework agreement -temporary professional health workers


21 - Sociala tjänster och andra särskilda tjänster – offentliga kontrakt
Selektivt förfarande
2022-09-06 09:52 (GMT+02:00)
2022-09-27 12:00


Asker kommune Asker kommune
Jannicke Klepp Tryggestad
Postboks 353
1372 Asker

Anbudsfristen har passerat.

Kort beskrivning

The purpose of the co-procurement contract is to ensure that the contracting authority has access to qualified health personnel when the contracting authority and public collaboration parties cannot cover the need themselves. The framework agreement can include all municipal entities/service locations in the health sector. the healthcare sector. Brief description of the need: We anticipate the greatest need will be for nurses and health care workers in the pending contract period. From experience, there can be a need for temporary staff throughout the yea, but there will be particular pressure during staff holidays in the summer and around Christmas time.

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